Monday, April 11, 2011

The Little Things

So I've slacked a bit on this weekly post thing. Truth is things at work were getting a little crazy and I've found it hard to find the motivation to sit in front of a computer for longer than I have to these days, not to mention, find something to write about.

I think that's been part of my problem-- I keep waiting for something really BIG to happen when, in reality, the majority of my days are made up of small, wonderful, beautiful moments. And I cherish them just as much. They make up my life, after all.

So today's post is dedicated to these little things that made this day so great.

1. Laughing and singing along in the car with mom and Sara. Every morning, I leave the house at 6:45am to make the trek into the office. I commute in with my mom and sister, Sara. If I really wanted to, I could probably leave 30 minutes later, but the truth is (other than hating the bus through Flushing in the morning), I love my morning car time. We listen to great songs, chat about our plans, laugh about something ridiculous and get to spend some time together before starting the day. Today, was a particularly awesome morning. Sara played some "oldies but goodies" and I got to sing along to "Chasing Cars" (I HAVE to sing out loud every time I hear that song. It makes listening to it in public difficult!). In between karaoke sessions, we got some laughs in too. It was an awesome start to a Monday on which I was feeling particularly exhausted.

2. My morning walk. If you know me, you know I love my cardio, and I try to fit as much in as I can throughout the day. Since I get into Manhattan early, I get off the train early and walk to the office. (It's a walk that takes me about an hour....yes, I get off early.) Throughout Lent, I have been adding in an 8am Mass to my morning ritual and it's served as a form of therapy for me. Today, I also stopped into a Barnes and Nobles which only added to my morning ritual. You'll be glad to know I didn't buy any books. I am learning restraint.

3. Spring. It looks like Spring might finally be here. The sun was out today and I got to enjoy it by running some office errands. (Working in a basement, I try to get outside as often as I can.) I know it's supposed to rain a lot this week but I am getting excited for Spring and today was perfect weather.

4. Celia Rivebark's weekly column. I adore Celia Rivenbark's weekly column. If you have not read any of her work yet, you absolutely have to. ( It cracks me up every single time. While the column is published on Sundays, I save my reading for Monday morning because, quite honestly, Mondays could use more laughs and there is no better way to start my work week.

5. My magic Ylaria moments. I have been missing Ylaria a lot lately and today was full of what I have come to call magic Ylaria moments. From songs on my ipod, to walking past the Build a Bear store, to needing a (Dora) band aid to seeing something I know she would love-- Ylaria was on my mind constantly. It made me smile to have so many reminders of her throughout my day. Not that this is unusual, Ylaria is with me always. These magic moments help her feel less far away.They are the little Ylaria hugs that let me know I really do carry her with me into the world.

6. My family. I am always thankful for my family but with my cousin, Cris, in from Paris, plans to hang out with Sonia, Laura, Ana and Cris later this week, and a big Nunez Easter dinner in the works, I am getting a lot of family time and loving it. We even had our first BBQ this weekend which was delicious. The sardines were my favorite.

I guess I did have a lot to say after all. Here's hoping your Monday was as awesome as mine.

What are your little big moments?

1 comment:

christina said...

I got to 'talk' to you. And get myself ready for the May class.