Wednesday, March 31, 2010

On Hope.

It's been a difficult few weeks for me. To be honest, it's been a difficult month. March is never without its emotional moments and Ylaria and Kayla's recent news has really hit me hard. Kids Cancer Crusade has gained one too many angels as well. It's been hard.

I am not without hope. I believe in miracles. But my hope has been harder to find these days. And today, as I was sitting here trying to summon up my hope and stop the sadness, I remembered sweet Shayla's words. "Easter is about HOPE and Easter is coming." Such wise words. So very true. And, so very comforting.

Deep breath. Easter is almost here.

Monday, March 29, 2010

[insert clever title here]

So, I was supposed to be updating more regularly, but clearly, that has not been the case.

For those of you wondering, my sugar-free test was an EPIC FAIL. *Sigh*. What have I learned? It's a lot easier to give up sugar in theory. (If you've tried it and been successful please let me know!) I'll keep trying, though. And I'll keep you posted.

This last week has been an up and down one for me. I've had some good days and some great moments but I've also had my share of downers. I'll be ok. I keep reminding myself that I just need to breathe. To breathe and let go and breathe again and I'll be ok. It will all be ok.

I took this week off from work so I'll be at home, puttering around because the weather is miserable and it's not conducive for anything really.

I'm waiting for March to end. April will be better, right?

C, we need to talk soon. I miss our chats.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Where in the World

My friend, C., posted this question on her blog and I love it so I thought I would post it here too. I would love to hear your answers!

If you could choose to be born again as a citizen of any country in the world, which country would you choose, and why?

My answer should be obvious. I would want to have been born in Northern Ireland. I think it would have been fascinating to have lived in Northern Ireland during that time. Belfast, obviously. And then I would also have the benefit of EU citizenship (well, I technically have that already with my Spanish passport). And to boot, I would also have an amaaaaaaaazing accent.

I'd still want my parents to be where they are from (Spain and Cuba) but I would have loved to have been born in Belfast. And yes, I've actually thought this out before.

Your turn!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Food Matters

I've been doing a lot of healthy-eating reading lately. What have I read? Well, it started with Skinny Bitch, then I progressed onto Food Matters and now I am in the middle of the Omnivore's Dilemma.

This reading has really made me think about what I eat, where my food comes from, what I can do to be better to my body and the environment.

I also realized just how addicted I am to sugar. I eat it. A. lot.

So, I'm giving it up for a bit. I'm on a challenge to eat as naturally as possible. (Which, I am beginning to realize is much more difficult than one would think!)

Posting it here, will mean: 1. I am accountable to you on this new "endeavor" and 2. I'll be writing on a more regular basis! :p

But, in all seriousness. I would highly recommend these books. It's important to know what we're eating. (And what the government agencies aren't telling us.) And if you only have time for one of these books, I'd nominate Food Matters. It's shorter than Omnivore's Dilemma but gives the same information.

It'll be a challenge, I'm sure but I'm up for it. :o)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


My sister asked me last night to update my blog. She claims people actually want to read about me and my happenings on a more regular basis. I am not entirely sure that I believe her, but her request did make me think about what I would choose to write about when I posted my next entry. And, I decided that I could really only write about one thing. Kayla.

I was first introduced to Kayla through Christi and Kids Cancer Crusade. Kayla is an amazing young girl from Tiffin, OH. She was diagnosed with a DIPG brain tumor in the summer of 2005 when she was only 5 years old. At the time, doctors gave her a 10% chance of surviving 9 months. Through faith and grace, Kayla thrived for 4 1/2 years, largely symptom free. In January, Kayla's condition worsened and it was discovered that another tumor is growing. She is once again in the fight for her life.

I was fortunate enough to meet Kayla and her family when I was in Ohio for a friend's wedding in July 2007. They are truly inspirational and their friendship has meant so much to me through the years. If you have a moment today, please visit Kayla's site and let her family know they are not alone.

Kayla, I am thinking of and praying for you. You are a light for so many. May you feel the warmth of our love for you now.