Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More Gratitudes

I have to make this update short because I am pressed for time but I was thinking today about my gratefuls and I thought I would share some here.

1. I am grateful for my family. The BBQ on Sunday was so much fun. I loved spending time with my cousins, aunts, uncles, sisters and parents. We talked and laughed a lot. We were together for the first time in a while (since Easter). The food was awesome as always. I did eat that sardine (yum!) I blogged about earlier and also had some tasty wine. Albarino is my favorite! I am already looking forward to the next Nunez family function!

2. I am grateful for my friends. I was finally able to (mostly) catch up on the emails that have been piling up in my inbox. As read each message, I was reminded of the amazing friends I have all over the USA and the world. Everyone should be so blessed.

3. I am grateful for my coworkers. They make working long hours and under tight deadlines more fun. Coming into work at 8:30am and leaving at 6pm is more bearable when you have so many good, intelligent and funny people surrounding you.

4. I am grateful for my new exercise routine. Working out in the morning and then again during my lunch hour (thanks to a reduced-price membership at Crunch) has really helped me keep body moving (it's hard to sit for so many hours straight!), my stress under control and slowly train for the half marathon in January.

5. I am grateful for my sugar-free challenge. It's helped me realize I really can do anything I set my mind to. I feel so much better (and it's only day #5) and I am learning one day at a time how to respond to feelings (sadness, stress, frustration, happiness, boredom) without reaching for chocolate.

6. I am grateful for beautiful summer skies and amazing summer sunsets. The beauty astounds and humbles me. Every. Single. Day.


christina said...

And I'm grateful for you, my dear, dear friend. Just for being You and being There and even when you aren't, I know you're out there being You.

Mom said...

I am grateful for the amazing woman you've become who can still appreciate the simple, small moments that make up life.